Monday, April 29, 2013

Goodbye, Mikey

He leaves me a note...but I never saw it... LolCats is funny....seriously!!

F@$! Creationism!!

To have Sam think that he can believe anything other than his personality would be a joke... Honestly wish he'd stop listening to the bloody seagull...

...that bloody seagull?!

You're supposed to say that with an English accent...

Anyways...this story arc begins with the creationism theology and delves within the madness of individualism. We'll hit the ideology behind cohesion and subtle foreplay too! Yeah, right... And monkeys will fly outta my ....

In the beginning...

Horntoad Sam's creation was something that has stuck with me since middle school, but this isn't about him... This is about...

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Walking Dead

Trying to get these strips up to date, really, I've been slacking on updating the Horntoad Sam Weekly strips here, but no problems whatsoever on the Horntoad Sam Facebook Page. Go figure. Be sure to go "Like" the FB Page while you're there too! :)

Walking Dead was a good series when it started, but as the third season let on, it wasn't that great. In fact, it was downright dull! Anyways, here's a strip of how I really felt about the third season lol


The one thing I cannot stand are people who judge a book by its cover and completely spout out negative remarks without even reading the damn book (or movie, tv show, etc)!!  I especially hate it when they come back a week later to tell me that they enjoyed whatever they were judging!! Hypocrites. Anyways....on a lighter note: Enjoy!!

Angry Birds Toons

Don't ask me why. I love Angry Birds and the Toons that they've been releasing every week. I definitely enjoy the craziness that the storytellers bring to life and sometimes I wish I were working with them. Think of all the crazy crap I could bring to the table!! heh... anyways... on with the strip.

Monday, April 15, 2013


...I'm a dork.

Not all comic books are about superheroes!

The one thing that really gets my goat is when someone brings up a topic of comic books, there's always someone who's a little on the stuck up attitude. Granted, most comic books ARE about superheroes, but there are quite a few out there that have NOTHING to do with capes....

Reference materials!!

Artists need reference materials!! Even I use them... but sometimes, it gets out of hand...