Tuesday, December 31, 2013

HTS Weekly #58 - "Bold Resolutions"


Now that Sam is gone. Mikey's gone. Who is left to be in charge??

Looks like everything checks out. Don't forget, be here to see the next installment this coming Friday!!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

HTS Weekly #57 - "They're Coming to Take Me Away..."

After that fantastic but depressing Christmas Special, we are back to our regular scheduled viewings...
...be here for the New Year's Day Special. We've got a nice surprise for you while Horntoad Sam is dead, the four replacement Sam's have disappeared, and Mikey is gone for psychiatric help....

...gee, who is next??

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

HTS Weekly #56 - "Christmas Special"

Merry Christmas everybody! And here's Jason and my gift to you on this fine day of the year.

...Wow.... what a sappy strip... Tune in this SATURDAY for the next strip--which I'm hoping won't be written and drawn by a couple of girls.

Friday, December 20, 2013

HTS Weekly #55 - Reign of the Horntoad Sams

Synopsis:  Sam was killed in an accident during Black Friday. Last week, Mikey saw a version of Sam that haunted him. Christmas is coming, but see what happens up until then...

...Reign of the Horntoad Sams. Oh great. Sam is replaced by not one, but four Sams?!? What will happen next week? See you then!

Friday, December 13, 2013

HTS Weekly #54 - Something I Saw...

Well. Sam's gone... I gotta get my mind off of him...

...err... spoke too soon? See you next week!

Friday, December 6, 2013

HTS Weekly #53 - "A Funeral for Sam"

Horntoad Sam

Memorial Service

A Celebration of Sam's Life
November 23, 1989 - November 29, 2013

December 6, 2013 - 10 a.m.

Memorial Mass - Reverend Scott Moore

Communion Song - "On Eagle's Wings"

Michael Sumislaski

Jason Snyder

"Pilot's Prayer" - Jeff Bayne

"One Friend" - David Morse

Soloist - Amanda Vollmer

Organist - Mrs. Patterson

Recessional Song - "Sing to the Mountains"

See you next week...?